Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Force is Strong in this IB Student

Again with the IB Inception. But TOK isn't one long existentialist lecture. Turns out we get to do other things besides Orwellian discussions of whether or not adding 2 and 2 equals 4. Obviously we can never really trust our senses to understand the world, because that would be too simple (Duh). So we formed into groups to do research concerning assigned senses (my group got touch). We came back  from the weekend with ideas on what experiment to propose and perform based on the wealth of information the internet had to offer. Our group discussion devolved into performing all the experiments we found on ourselves. With great results, in my personal opinion.

Ok. So your hand is hidden from view and you look at someone else's hand. Some other people stroke both of the hands. It feels like the hand that's not yours is the one being stroked. But when this test subject didn't feel it, we said as one, "The force is strong in this one."

You get someone to close their eyes, then mark their skin with a pen. Next, ask them to mark the same spot, while keeping their eyes closed. It's impossible.

This was a rudimentary simulation of the traditional carnival thing where you touch stuff and try to figure out what it is. It would've been better if we'd had slimy items at hand, but today was the one day I didn't have my usual pond water and putty solution. Oh shucks.

Try some of these experiments out. It's ridiculously awesome if they work. Take heart if they don't, because you're most likely a potential Jedi master. I think that's the ultimate goal of TOK. Really, Yoda sums up the whole point of TOK perfectly-

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