Sometimes I just want to sit and wait for life to happen to me. Especially in my 7:00 a.m. class. The Latin test this week was so horrible, I put my head down on my desk and literally just thought, "What am I doing? I obviously can't do this. I only want to be a writer or dolphin trainer or princess unicorn or something! I don't need an IB Diploma. Just forget about this and you'll never have to do math again!"
Once I realized that I had reduced my future career to princess unicorn I snapped out of it (Who wouldn't want to be? But it's so impossible to get employment as that in this economy). I got a hold of myself and forced myself to finish that test. Probably didn't ace it, but I finished it. I can do this. So if you are an IB student or any student finding yourself thinking the same thing (Maybe not the princess unicorn part, but maybe something along the lines of a rock star griffin), you can do this. I know that it may not feel like it, but you can.

So reward yourself for getting through thus far. It's easy to become IB Stressed. So sit back, relax and enjoy stuff that isn't IB related. I know I do. I went to see a movie with some friends on Friday. It was downtown, and outdoors. We picnicked by the fountain, eating pizza and doughnuts after we'd set up lawn chairs in the town square in front of the movie screen. Seriously, it was phenomenal. High school isn't all about school. It's about enjoying the people you're sharing this amazing experience with, and finding out who you really are.
It's so easy to let those two little letters control your life. You should work as hard as possible to get that IB Diploma, but don't let them control EVERY aspect of your life. Go out and do something fun once in a while, as long as it's legal.
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