Thursday, September 6, 2012

Super IB Mario

There is a door in the lobby. Nothing special about it. I'm sure you've encountered a door like this. Every school has one. I've walked by this door for two entire years without ever suspecting it was hiding a secret. It wasn't until yesterday that I actually noticed what was so odd about it. The plaque on it says "Plumbing Chase." I thought that was a bit strange, then I stopped to think about it. I have no idea what a Plumbing Chase could be or why my school would need one. I chewed the words carefully. "Plumbing" of course, but why a "Chase?" Who would want to chase plumbing?

It was at that precise moment that I remembered the greatest hero of all time ever associated with plumbing and chasing: Mario. The only thing that door could be is a portal into a universe that contains a stocky plumber in love with a simpering, ice-sculpture of a princess and a monster obsessed with capturing her. It will be full of castles and Koopas, mushrooms and magic, secret realms and secret treasures.

Curious, I warily approached the door. I couldn't believe that something so innocuous could hide something so incredible. Could this be a gateway from reality to the gamescape? Or was I simply living in a video game and about to leave the exposition and embark on an adventure? This gave me pause. If it was the latter, no problem (though I would be terribly disappointed if I was a fictional clump of pixels on a tv screen). If the former, then it would be disastrous to open the divide. I'd end up going to classes with Goombas and Boos. Bowser would become the harsh, angry gym teacher every school seems required to have. True, I could ride Yoshi, but dodging shells during class change would make it even harder to navigate the halls unscathed and be on time.

No, this door was meant to be overlooked for a reason. I swallowed my curiosity and turned away from my discovery. I've kept this to myself, but every time I go by it and no one is around, I put my ear to the door and listen. I swear, I can faintly hear the cry of "Mario!" and "BWHAHAHAHAHA!" The worlds remain separate. But I still keep an eye out for a portly little fellow in red and overalls. I'll know he isn't a freshman because they can't grow mustaches of Mario's caliber. You never know. Maybe before I graduate I'll take a peek in there and open the mystery box of the Plumbing Chase.


  1. Naturally, I am always looking for a portal to Narnia or another world somewhere in the halls of WHS. I am convinced that I can disappear for a plan period or two and explore some undiscovered country or dreamscape.

    1. I'd love to, but I'd have a ridiculous amount of make-up work to do when I got back. Wouldn't want to risk my diploma.
