So we were having a friend over to watch that phenomenal film The Hunger Games. I have been an ardent fan of the books for several years, and I think the movie is the best page-to-screen adaptation I've ever seen (Especially after the disappointment of Harry Potter 4-6). I have always really enjoyed analyzing the books while I read them, and the movie was an English professor's dream. Suzanne Collins is an unadulterated genius. It's got fantastic symbolism, Roman allusions, socioeconomic/political messages, and much, much more. Besides the intellectual qualities of the series, it's a book anyone can enjoy, even if they hate reading. So I have a past of picking apart The Hunger Games and relishing its little nuances and secrets.
We were a couple of minutes into the movie. It was maybe somewhere around the reaping, when I had an epiphany. Subsequently, I jumped off the couch and dashed to my backpack, feverishly extracting a composition book and a pen. I calmly went back to the couch and sat down, armed with my weapons of choice. I spent the rest of the movie furiously taking notes and writing down my ideas concerning them. Yes, the first time I get to see one of my favorite movies in several months, I choose to stick it under the microscopic lens of literary analysis. I can't help it. I see something interesting and the gears start turning in my head. Not that this is a bad thing, it's not. Nor that I hate it, I don't. In fact, I'm perfectly happy that this transpired. It's just that this is the first time I have physically run for paper and pen while casually watching a movie. Normally I just sit and think it out. Not this time. This time, I'm an IB Full Diploma Candidate. THIS IS THE STORY OF MY LIFE!
So watch out. This could happen to you. It may be happening to you and you don't even know it. The first step of IB world domination is complete. Once I earn my diploma (Please, O merciful gods of academia and scholasticism), I will become an agent and minion of IB. I will be intellectual and philosophical, and I will lure others into its embrace of tolerance and knowledge. The world as dominated by IB will be populated by millions of people who know nothing but academic discussion and the pursuit of understanding. There will be no war, a cure for cancer, an age of artistic revelation. This is only the beginning of IB's evil plot. Today, it's taking notes during The Hunger Games. Tomorrow, it's the world.
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