Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I learn something new everyday. For instance, I learned that there is a protein complex in cells called a "Relaxosome." Not entirely sure why it is. Or why I am not terribly relaxed even though I have millions of them. But that's not the main point. If you're going to go as far as to name an integral cell structure something as ridiculous as "Relaxosome," you should go all the way. There's no return after calling it a Relaxosome, so a much better name would be "Chillaxosome." I am putting forth a motion that we should renamed the Relaxosome the Chillaxosome. I am sure biologists all over the world would agree with me.

Besides being a source of bizarre trivia, IB Bio is also a source of comic relief. Nothing is better than sitting in an interesting science class, except when you can find some form of humor in it. Case in point, my artistic and hilarious friends:
"Eukaryote are so eukarycute!"
"I mitochondria come back to your place tonight."
"You're the ribosomes to my rough endoplasmic reticulum."

Latin too had an unexpected surprise in the manner of humorous education. Today, we learned Result clauses, which basically go along the lines of "The city was so beautiful, it was widely praised." A more informal (and preferable) way of terming these clauses is "Yo' Mama" clauses. Like "Yo' mama is so stupid, she tried to alphabetize M&Ms." The Romans were master insulters and fighters, so obviously they had the foresight to make a clause just for one of the greatest insults of all time. It's perfectly conceivable, considering the Babylonians invented the Yo Mama Joke years before the Romans were around. And Romans did like to rip stuff off from other cultures. 

IB does have its little quirks. I guess it's because all knowledge it a little bit quirky.

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