Saturday, February 2, 2013


I may grumble about IB and complain that it's full of itself and pretentious and use less than savory words to describe it. I often says IB sucks. But I was very surprised to discover my abilities to defend the program tooth and nail to a non-IB student.

So I was talking about how I want to be Nicholas Kristof when I grow up (New York Times journalist who has championed human rights, most famously in Darfur and the plight of women in best-selling book and hit documentary Half the Sky), and this guy suggested I take Journalism as an elective. I explained that I was taking Chorus, and didn't have room for the class in my schedule. He then managed to characterize IB as a program people only took to look good for colleges, that it makes students sacrifice extra-curriculars for a bunch of bs, that you should just do what you're passionate about and colleges will pay attention to that. 

Well I responded with a passionate defense of a program that I have complained about at every opportunity. Wow. I may hate IB, but I'll be damned if I let anyone else attack it. Thankfully the argument resolved itself amicably, and that was that.

I guess I'm officially an IB student now. You know you're part of a group once you can bash it, but outsiders can't. IB is so messed up. But I get to say that, because that is the privilege I get for working my butt off in trigonometry.

So let me leave you people, no matter what group you're in or not in, however you identify yourself, with this music video from my drag queen role model RuPaul. We're all Champions.

P.S. You might want to fast forward the first 20 seconds, because whoever put this video on Youtube thought 20 seconds of a black screen was great entertainment. 

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