If I had to characterize my school administration as an animal it would probably be a peacock. That's because they are intent on looking as best as possible, but in reality show a lack of intelligence that is sometimes disturbing. In no way do I want to insult peacocks with the comparison, but metaphor is all I've got right now.
So Friday there's going to be an IB photo shoot. It's for some book that parents and students can get about IB. Anyway, to be in the photo shoot you have to receive a letter of invitation. I was in chorus when these letters came, and when I saw the IB logo I expected it to be some trivial announcement or other. Much to my surprise I didn't receive one. It was when I asked my friend who did that I learned about this photo shoot. My first reaction was "I'm not that ugly!" But as soon as I said it, I realized the reason: it's because I'm white. Seriously. Only non-white kids in our chorus class got the letters, and I later learned that other non-white students had mostly gotten the letters. So all told there are 2 African-Americans, 2 Asians, 1 Indian, 1 Middle-Eastern kid, and 1 really tan white kid that I know of having been invited.
Really, administration? Did you think we wouldn't notice how you were trying to make the program look unbelievably diverse? It's not that I'm offended, I just find it stupid. My minority friends find it insulting. I know that stock photos always are super diverse and everything, but the sad truth is that the IB program is mostly populated with white kids.
A Visual Approximation |
I go to the most diverse high school in my county. Walking through the halls, I see all shades of skin, hear multiple languages, and last year I said good morning to a group of girls wearing hijabs on a daily basis, because we all went to the bathroom at the same time. But there is this elite academy of rich white kids that I happen to be in, because I'm taking advanced classes. It's sad that de facto segregation like this still exists in this day and age, and it's infuriating that the school administration just wants to ignore it.
It's so laughably horrible that there's going to be a token white kid in these pictures that fail to represent the actual IB student body. Instead of trying to be politically correct without subtlety, we should focus on how to improve education for minority and low-income groups, because I have the rare blessing of receiving a wonderful education in America. The system is broken, and that is clearly evidenced by our rankings in subjects like math and science against other developed Western countries, who consistently score better. This de facto segregation will continue until education is improved for all students to ensure that all can achieve the level of success I have been able to, because I'm a WASP. Of course there is poverty to contend with as a major factor behind this, and governmental blundering. But as a student I would just like to say:
Oh, and while your at it, could you please work on the whole exorbitant college admission prices and unchecked student loans? That would be kind've nice, because of the aforesaid reasons. Yeah. I like getting an education. It's kind've an exclusive club.