Friday, October 12, 2012


Friday could not come soon enough this week. I am so worn out, I made an actual effort to pretend that I was dead when my dad was waking me up. I even held my breath, and focused on flopping lifelessly. Be the corpse. Didn't work, unfortunately.

I am continuing my Friday celebration of things that make getting out of bed in the morning worthwhile. This week, it's that wonderful tradition known Homecoming. You can probably surmise that it was Homecoming week at my school. I'm all for school pride (Go [insert generic mascot here]!) but the best thing is the theme days. Really, how often do you get to come to school in costume without getting beaten up? This year, the days were Multiplicity Day, Disney Day, Salad Dressing Day, Tacky Formal, and the usual Rebel Pride Day.

I don't know who on Student Council thought up Multiplicity Day, but Multiplicity doesn't actually mean what everyone thought it meant. It means a large variety, not getting as many people to wear the same thing as possible. Naturally, I dressed like this:

Tuesday was Disney Day, the best theme day ever thought up in the history of themes. I couldn't resist bringing my creative genius to the table and bringing to life one of the most eccentric characters ever to grace the pages of a book or the screen of a movie theater:

Me and a Fellow Mad Hatter
Wednesday was Salad Dressing Day (Juniors were Thousand Island), but I was too busy studying for Latin and History to whip up a grass skirt and lei. Thursday, however, was another chance to flex my fashion muscles in Tacky Formal.

Mustache socks make everything better
And Friday was Rebel Pride. I was going to lead a movement to dress like Jedi rebels from Star Wars, but everyone (including myself) was too stressed out with school work to make it work. 

Of course the choir will be singing the National Anthem and our Alma Mater before the football game, and that means I get a free ticket into the game (Score!). Create musical fusion, hang out with friends, cheer when everyone else cheers because I have no clue how football works. Sounds pretty good. Go Rebels!!!!

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